It has been a while since I had the privilege of traveling globally for my company. And yes, it is a privilege.
The best part about hitting the road to visit the cultures that are different from the good ole USA is to see the cultures that really are different.
Years ago, I had the opportunity to spend time in India, and frankly, became enthralled with the country and it's unique people.
This week, I find myself in a not to different from USA place, Brazil. Just so happens that I got lucky enough to find myself here at the exact same time as President Obama. He of course, is on his Latin American tour.
If you expect that the American President is coming will make any real difference for the average Brazilian, think again. While so many of our European friends think Barack Obama has 'rock star' status, our southern neighbors have a different thought. In reality, it is indifference.
And why shouldn't they?
We are a country that has largely ignored South America. Even when we have looked to the South, it has very often been with disdain.
Take for instance, Brazil. the largest democracy in the Americas, excluding the United States. For some reason, after 9/11, we established that every person entering the United States from Brazil must have a VISA and go through our typical "over the top" security measures. Not to be outdone, Brazil decided what's good for the goose, is good for them. So USA visitors to Brazil are subject to the same restrictions.
It's just plain dumb. President Obama did not create the issue nor has he fixed it.
This is not a President making history for his foreign policy, despite his Nobel Peace Prize.
President Obama will start his Southern Swing to promote the United States as partners, looking for American jobs created by demand from Brazil and other nations for American goods. Good for him. He is our President and he needs to be concerned with the job situation in the United States first.
Perhaps one move would be to take the VISA demands down on Brazilian citizens and acknowledge Brazil as a true friend and partner in 'American' democracy.
We might get a few more churrascarias in the US. By the way, I am writing this from Master Beef. I highly recommend it.
If the President can actually do this, maybe we can work on getting some Cuban Cigars in the United States as well, rather than opening a third front in the third World War. (I know we had to stop Qaddafi, but no one can feel good about another Muslim war for the United States. I sure do wish Big Ron had got that guy in 1986)
- YES! It is revolutionary. Posted using BlogPress from the INCREDIBLE iPad.